Pre-production: Designing a story

Designing a story

_________ is trying to _____(do something/ get something or go somewhere)____
But ______________ gets in the way. The story is about how this obstacle is overcome.

What happens at the start of your film?
What happens next?
What happens at the end?
Do you need any costumes?
Do you need any props or objects?
What ‘type’ of story is it?

Character 1 is called ___________________ and played by __________
Described as...

Character 2 is called ___________________ and played by __________
Described as...

Character 2 is called ___________________ and played by __________
Described as...

Location 1 is...                                                                                    during day/night?
Location 2 is...                                                                                    during day/night?
Location 3 is...                                                                                    during day/night?

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