Doritos Guidelines

What should my Doritos ad be about (the “Brief”):

The competition is simple. We want you to make a 29 second TV advert for Doritos and upload it to our website. We can’t help you with your idea. Sorry about that.
But we can give you an idea of what Doritos stands for as a brand. We’re all about getting it started. Sharing. Good times. Having a laugh. Think big, bold, flavours that are packed with crunch.
We’re looking for an ad that entertains your mates as much as it does you. One you’re proud to share. One that makes all the other contestants wish they’d done it themselves. One that is undeniably cool.
Be creative and original with your entry. Seriously. What will make Doritos stand out from all the other boring ads on TV? Is there a clever new way to talk about Doritos, or one of our flavours? An inspired endline, maybe. A genius gag, possibly. It’s entirely up to you.
Now, get to work.

What are the rules?

They say that rules are made to be broken, but don’t break these rules or your entry won’t get into the Doritos competition.
29 Seconds?
Your ad must be exactly 29 seconds in length no more no less. You could make the best ad ever, but if it’s 27 seconds or exactly 31 seconds, we won’t be able to use it.


Your submission must only feature Doritos and no other trademarks

Each Submission must not contain or refer to any food or beverage products other than Doritos brand Tortilla Chips and Dips; it must not contain or reference any third party trademarks (with the exclusion of Doritos brand assets provided by the Promoter for use by Entrants in connection with this competition), and it must not contain or reference any names or third party logos (other than the Doritos brand logo).

You must not contain any copyrighted material

Each Submission must not contain any copyrighted works (other than as owned by the Entrant, or the Doritos brand assets provided by the Promoter for use by Entrants in connection with this competition). In particular, you may not incorporate elements of audiovisual works made by other users of the Website in Entrant’s Submission. Any elements appearing in Entrant’s Submission, including without limitation music, audio, speech/voiceovers, stills, video, supers, or other audiovisual materials used must be entirely original, created and performed by Entrant, be in the public domain, or be downloaded from the Website. Approved music by the Doritos brand is provided on the Website for use in Entrant’s Submission and may not be altered. Use of any elements, including without limitation music, audio, speech/voiceovers, video, stills, visuals, or other materials that are not original, in the public domain, or downloaded from the Website may result in disqualification of Submission, in Promoter’s sole discretion.

Your ad must be acceptable to broadcast on TV

Taste and decency:
The winning ad will have to comply with television advertising guidelines, because it’s going to be seen by millions of people. Each Submission must be suitable for display and publication on national television during any time of day. Remember, this is a Doritos ad, not a Quentin Tarantino film so use your commonsense.
If you want your ad to stand a chance of being seen on TV, stay within these rules. Break them and your ad is doomed to oblivion.
  1. Don’t mislead the audience about Doritos. We can’t use your ad if you start claiming that eating Doritos cures baldness or something like that.
  2. Do not cause offence or harm to any group, religion, race or individual.
  3. Stay safe! This is a Doritos ad, not an audition for stuntman of the year, so don’t portray or encourage dangerous activity.
  4. Please don’t show the logos or brand names of other companies in your ad. You might love your Nike hat, but if the logo’s in shot, we can’t use your ad.
  5. If using motor vehicles, please stick to the Highway Code. The last thing you want is your ad being used as video evidence against you if you’ve broken the law.
  6. Please don’t smoke or drink alcohol in your ad – if you do, we can’t use it.
  7. Don’t aim your ad at under 18s. Doritos never advertise children.
  8. Use your own idea for your ad. Don't nick someone else’s.
  9. Don’t use stroboscopic effects, editing techniques or flashing lights in your ad
  10. You can’t show gambling, guns, nudity or violence in your ad.
  11. You must get the consent to use the images of everyone you’ve filmed in your ad.
  12. And don’t swear! Unfortunately we can’t even have bleeps!

Just so we are 100% clear and to ensure all your hard work pays off, please make sure your ad is not obscene, indecent, or contain or include any of the following;
  1. defamatory statements (including but not limited to words or symbols that are widely considered offensive to individuals of a certain race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic group),
  2. threats to any person, place, business, group or world peace,
  3. invade privacy or other rights of any person, firm or entity
  4. violate applicable laws and regulations or national television standards

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