Assignment 1 Doritos Ad

Assignment: 1 – “Doritos Ad” (Year 10)
Units: 5, 4

Hand Out Date: 30/09/2011
Final Deadline:  14/10/2011

Units covered

Brief:    To plan and produce a 30 second video advert for Doritos crisps.

Synopsis of Unit 5: Video Production
Be able to carry out pre-production for a proposed video product
Be able to contribute in a technical capacity to the creation of a video product
Be able to carry out post-production for a video project
Be able to review own video production work
Synopsis of Unit 4: Media Audiences and products
Understand how media products are constructed for specific audiences

Unit 5
Unit 4

Task 1: Pre-Production
Research Doritos ad competition and adverts on the internet and You tube. Consider how previous Doritos adverts address their audience, their choice of genres and any constraints they conform to.

Create or adapt a storyline, consider more than one idea and who is going to be watching it (your target audience). Create from this your storyboards, your script and shooting script to fully describe and plan your ad.
Write a production proposal that describes everything you have considered.

Write a schedule of what you are going to do, when and where so that your production is completed on time. Get written permission from any locations or actors you want to use and do a risk assessment to keep your crew safe while out shooting. Plan and book any equipment you will need.

·          Proposal
·          Mind map of possible ideas
·          Story outline: design
·          Script written
·          Storyboards
·          Shooting script (order, shot type, length, dialog, action/directions, audio)
·          Schedule (what is happening, when, with whom and where)
·          Get written permission from actors and any locations
·          Risk assessment

Unit 4
P2 M2 D2

Unit 5
P1 M1 D1

Task 2: Production

Acquire a film crew from the class, decide on roles and responsibilities
Follow your shooting list and story boards to shoot your film! Include any ideas you have while filming that may not be in your shooting list but make sure you shoot your list. Include 5 seconds of pre-role for each shot and a use the clapper board which will help when it comes to editing.
Record or locate music and any sound effects

·          Rushes (unedited video footage)
·          Audio files
·          Notes from any meetings
·          Crew list

Unit 5
P2 M2 D2

Task 3: Post-Production and Review
Watch your footage and keep a log for which clips you want to use and the time code of where they are on the tape. Capture your chosen footage into Adobe Premier (only your chosen footage not all footage).

Edit your video; add audio, sound effects and any special effects in Adobe Premier.
Export your finished 30 second film as an MPEG and upload onto your blog.

Review your completed product and the process you went through to produce it. Compare it to your original proposal.

    Completed video file
    Video, audio or written review of your finished work
    Updated blog

Unit 5
P3 M3 D3
P4 M4 D4

Assessors: E Cooper, M Witting

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