Homework: Doritos research

Homework for next Wednesday 5th October

Research Doritos ad competition and adverts on the internet and You tube. Consider how previous Doritos adverts address their audience, their choice of genres and any constraints they conform to.

What is the Doritos ‘brand’ image? What makes their adverts similar in style and different from other brands?

Present your findings on your blog

Doritos Guidelines


What should my Doritos ad be about (the “Brief”):

The competition is simple. We want you to make a 29 second TV advert for Doritos and upload it to our website. We can’t help you with your idea. Sorry about that.
But we can give you an idea of what Doritos stands for as a brand. We’re all about getting it started. Sharing. Good times. Having a laugh. Think big, bold, flavours that are packed with crunch.
We’re looking for an ad that entertains your mates as much as it does you. One you’re proud to share. One that makes all the other contestants wish they’d done it themselves. One that is undeniably cool.
Be creative and original with your entry. Seriously. What will make Doritos stand out from all the other boring ads on TV? Is there a clever new way to talk about Doritos, or one of our flavours? An inspired endline, maybe. A genius gag, possibly. It’s entirely up to you.
Now, get to work.

What are the rules?

They say that rules are made to be broken, but don’t break these rules or your entry won’t get into the Doritos competition.
29 Seconds?
Your ad must be exactly 29 seconds in length no more no less. You could make the best ad ever, but if it’s 27 seconds or exactly 31 seconds, we won’t be able to use it.


Your submission must only feature Doritos and no other trademarks

Each Submission must not contain or refer to any food or beverage products other than Doritos brand Tortilla Chips and Dips; it must not contain or reference any third party trademarks (with the exclusion of Doritos brand assets provided by the Promoter for use by Entrants in connection with this competition), and it must not contain or reference any names or third party logos (other than the Doritos brand logo).

You must not contain any copyrighted material

Each Submission must not contain any copyrighted works (other than as owned by the Entrant, or the Doritos brand assets provided by the Promoter for use by Entrants in connection with this competition). In particular, you may not incorporate elements of audiovisual works made by other users of the Website in Entrant’s Submission. Any elements appearing in Entrant’s Submission, including without limitation music, audio, speech/voiceovers, stills, video, supers, or other audiovisual materials used must be entirely original, created and performed by Entrant, be in the public domain, or be downloaded from the Website. Approved music by the Doritos brand is provided on the Website for use in Entrant’s Submission and may not be altered. Use of any elements, including without limitation music, audio, speech/voiceovers, video, stills, visuals, or other materials that are not original, in the public domain, or downloaded from the Website may result in disqualification of Submission, in Promoter’s sole discretion.

Your ad must be acceptable to broadcast on TV

Taste and decency:
The winning ad will have to comply with television advertising guidelines, because it’s going to be seen by millions of people. Each Submission must be suitable for display and publication on national television during any time of day. Remember, this is a Doritos ad, not a Quentin Tarantino film so use your commonsense.
If you want your ad to stand a chance of being seen on TV, stay within these rules. Break them and your ad is doomed to oblivion.
  1. Don’t mislead the audience about Doritos. We can’t use your ad if you start claiming that eating Doritos cures baldness or something like that.
  2. Do not cause offence or harm to any group, religion, race or individual.
  3. Stay safe! This is a Doritos ad, not an audition for stuntman of the year, so don’t portray or encourage dangerous activity.
  4. Please don’t show the logos or brand names of other companies in your ad. You might love your Nike hat, but if the logo’s in shot, we can’t use your ad.
  5. If using motor vehicles, please stick to the Highway Code. The last thing you want is your ad being used as video evidence against you if you’ve broken the law.
  6. Please don’t smoke or drink alcohol in your ad – if you do, we can’t use it.
  7. Don’t aim your ad at under 18s. Doritos never advertise children.
  8. Use your own idea for your ad. Don't nick someone else’s.
  9. Don’t use stroboscopic effects, editing techniques or flashing lights in your ad
  10. You can’t show gambling, guns, nudity or violence in your ad.
  11. You must get the consent to use the images of everyone you’ve filmed in your ad.
  12. And don’t swear! Unfortunately we can’t even have bleeps!

Just so we are 100% clear and to ensure all your hard work pays off, please make sure your ad is not obscene, indecent, or contain or include any of the following;
  1. defamatory statements (including but not limited to words or symbols that are widely considered offensive to individuals of a certain race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic group),
  2. threats to any person, place, business, group or world peace,
  3. invade privacy or other rights of any person, firm or entity
  4. violate applicable laws and regulations or national television standards

Doritos Ads links

Doritos King of ads competition

Doritos Winner: Tribe

Doritos Winner: Attack on Westminster

Risk Assessment

means anything that can cause harm (e.g. chemicals, electricity, working from ladders, etc)
is the chance, high or low, that somebody will be harmed by the hazard.

STEP 1: Decide what your assessing (a room/ activity/ trip/)
STEP 2: Look for any hazards in that area or activity
STEP 3: Decide who might be harmed and how
STEP 4: Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
STEP 5: Record your findings
STEP 6: Review your assessment and revise it if necessary

Hazards specific to Production:

Existing Control Measures:

Do these existing control measures adequately control risk? (Yes/No)

Additional Control Measures implemented to control risks:

Signed: _______________________________________________
Position: ______________________________________________
Date: ____________________

Storyboard Templates

Wide screen


Pre-production: Designing a story

Designing a story

_________ is trying to _____(do something/ get something or go somewhere)____
But ______________ gets in the way. The story is about how this obstacle is overcome.

What happens at the start of your film?
What happens next?
What happens at the end?
Do you need any costumes?
Do you need any props or objects?
What ‘type’ of story is it?

Character 1 is called ___________________ and played by __________
Described as...

Character 2 is called ___________________ and played by __________
Described as...

Character 2 is called ___________________ and played by __________
Described as...

Location 1 is...                                                                                    during day/night?
Location 2 is...                                                                                    during day/night?
Location 3 is...                                                                                    during day/night?

Assignment 1 Doritos Ad

Assignment: 1 – “Doritos Ad” (Year 10)
Units: 5, 4

Hand Out Date: 30/09/2011
Final Deadline:  14/10/2011

Units covered

Brief:    To plan and produce a 30 second video advert for Doritos crisps.

Synopsis of Unit 5: Video Production
Be able to carry out pre-production for a proposed video product
Be able to contribute in a technical capacity to the creation of a video product
Be able to carry out post-production for a video project
Be able to review own video production work
Synopsis of Unit 4: Media Audiences and products
Understand how media products are constructed for specific audiences

Unit 5
Unit 4

Task 1: Pre-Production
Research Doritos ad competition and adverts on the internet and You tube. Consider how previous Doritos adverts address their audience, their choice of genres and any constraints they conform to.

Create or adapt a storyline, consider more than one idea and who is going to be watching it (your target audience). Create from this your storyboards, your script and shooting script to fully describe and plan your ad.
Write a production proposal that describes everything you have considered.

Write a schedule of what you are going to do, when and where so that your production is completed on time. Get written permission from any locations or actors you want to use and do a risk assessment to keep your crew safe while out shooting. Plan and book any equipment you will need.

·          Proposal
·          Mind map of possible ideas
·          Story outline: design
·          Script written
·          Storyboards
·          Shooting script (order, shot type, length, dialog, action/directions, audio)
·          Schedule (what is happening, when, with whom and where)
·          Get written permission from actors and any locations
·          Risk assessment

Unit 4
P2 M2 D2

Unit 5
P1 M1 D1

Task 2: Production

Acquire a film crew from the class, decide on roles and responsibilities
Follow your shooting list and story boards to shoot your film! Include any ideas you have while filming that may not be in your shooting list but make sure you shoot your list. Include 5 seconds of pre-role for each shot and a use the clapper board which will help when it comes to editing.
Record or locate music and any sound effects

·          Rushes (unedited video footage)
·          Audio files
·          Notes from any meetings
·          Crew list

Unit 5
P2 M2 D2

Task 3: Post-Production and Review
Watch your footage and keep a log for which clips you want to use and the time code of where they are on the tape. Capture your chosen footage into Adobe Premier (only your chosen footage not all footage).

Edit your video; add audio, sound effects and any special effects in Adobe Premier.
Export your finished 30 second film as an MPEG and upload onto your blog.

Review your completed product and the process you went through to produce it. Compare it to your original proposal.

    Completed video file
    Video, audio or written review of your finished work
    Updated blog

Unit 5
P3 M3 D3
P4 M4 D4

Assessors: E Cooper, M Witting

Video Bootcamp list

Btec CMP: Video Bootcamp list

Filmed y/n
Edited y/n
Uploaded to blog y/n
Label image

eye level

low angle

high angle








headroom- eye line

talk space- nose room

lead room- he’s behind you/ it’s a set up

thru foreground objects

Shot Sizes
Extreme Close up (of detail: eyes, a nail, writing in a book…)

Close up

head shot

Head and Shoulders

Mid Shot (from waist)

Medium Long shot (knees up)

Long shot (head and feet)

Wide Shot (shows surrounding area)