Year 11: Video Production Brief

Assignment:  – “Video Production for Broadcast ”  (Year 11)
Units: 2,3,4,5
Hand Out Date: 7/09/2012
Interim Date:  26/10/2012= 7weeks
Final Deadline:  20/05/2013

Units covered

Using knowledge and building upon skills you learnt in year 10 you are to produce a 1-4 min video production. The format is up to you but think of it as a pilot episode for a proposed project. This is what producers and directors make to convince the industry to invest in their project; they produce a high quality example showcasing the strength of their idea and their abilities to produce it to a high standard.
It could be a mock news program, 3min documentary (channel 4’s 3min wonders), a music video or and interview feature for a TV show.
This is an individual task: everyone must produce their own production. Unit 5:2 means however you will need to recruit and work as crew for each other in a technical capacity (i.e. cameraman, sound man, even as editors if you wish: work to each other’s strengths)

Key focus’ of project:
Demonstrating your knowledge of and ability to work within video industry practises
Developing a strong, appropriate and considered idea
To communicate your ideas and intentions

Synopsis of Unit : Unit 2: Communication Techniques for Creative Media Production
·         1 Be able to communicate about media production in discussions
·         2 Be able to present information and ideas orally to an audience
·         3 Be able to communicate information and ideas in written formats for media production.
Synopsis of Unit : Unit 3: The Creative Media Sector
·         1 Know how the creative media sector is structured
·         2 Know about job roles and conditions of employment in a creative media industry
·         3 Know how to gain employment in a creative media industry.
Synopsis of Unit : Unit 4: Media Audiences and Products
·         1 Know how a media industry identifies audiences for its products
·         2 Understand how media products are constructed for specific audiences
·         3 Understand how audiences can respond to media products.
Synopsis of Unit : Unit 5 Video Production
·         1 Be able to carry out pre-production for a proposed video product
·         2 Be able to contribute in a technical capacity to the creation of a video product
·         3 Be able to carry out post-production for a video product
·         4 Be able to review own video production work.

Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5


Task 1: Pre-Production

Explore more than one option for your production
Consider audience
Communicate your ideas and intentions
Carry out pre-production tasks relevant to your project
Document Heath and Safety considerations and risk assessments’
Recruit a crew
Visit to BBC Studios Norwich

Unit 2
P1/2/3 M1/2/3 D1/2/3
Unit 3
P1 M1 D1
P2 M2 D2
P3 M3 D3
Unit 4
P1 M1 D1
P2 M2 D2
Unit 5
P1 M1 D1

Task 2: Production

Discus and communicate your ideas and intentions to your crew.
Document your contribution in a technical capacity to the creation of a video product
Produce your video production, review and reshoot where necessary to produce best results.

Unit 2
P1/2/3 M1/2/3 D1/2/3
Unit 4
P2 M2 D2
Unit 5
P2 M2 D2

Task 3: Post-Production and Review

Carry out post-production tasks relevant to your project
Review/ evaluate both your final product and your working practise
Present your ideas, research and final film to an audience
Reflect on how your product response to its specified audience
Gather reviews and information on how your audience responds to your work. How do audiences communicate their views to video producers?
Upload everything to your blog

Unit 2
P1/2/3 M1/2/3 D1/2/3
Unit 4
P2 M2 D2
P3 M3 D3
Unit 5
P3 M3 D3
P4 M4 D4


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