Friday 13th July

Morning bloggers!

As you know I'm not with you today but there are some essential things to do as it is effectively our last lesson of the year.

  1. All the schools computers are being rebooted over the hols so EVERYTHING, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING you have done this year needs to be uploaded TODAY to your blog. Anything that cant for any reason needs to be saved on a memory stick
  2. LipSync animations need to get finished. There is no reason for them not to be, you may need to help each other but they need to get finished.
You have 4 hours to be productive in. Remember the only people that have finished are the ones out with me at City Acadamey today, I had more places but no one else was finished, that means YOU ALL HAVE WORK TO COMPLETE. 

Remember we will not be revisiting this years work next term you will have new stuff to do, I will set lipsync stuff as after school catch up though, that project is essential for next years study so get it done!

Jordane keep off Minecraft, Zeke and Chloe you don't need to be next door stay in the room and get on.

Have a good summer

Miss C

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