Assessment Grids for Doritos ad Assignment 1

UNIT : 4 Media Audiences and Products                               

P1 outline ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products [IE]

P2 outline ways in which a media product is constructed for a specific audience [IE]

P3 outline ways in which a media product might be
understood by an audience.

M1 describe ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products with some detail and with reference to appropriate
illustrative examples

M2 describe ways in which a media product is constructed for a specific audience
with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative examples

 M3 describe ways in which a media product might be understood by an audience with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative examples.

D1 explain ways in which a media industry identifies audiences for its products with reference to precise and
detailed illustrative examples

D2 explain ways in which a media product is constructed for a specific audience with
reference to precise and
detailed illustrative examples

D3 explain ways in which a media product might be
understood by audiences
with reference to precise and detailed illustrative examples.

UNIT :       5 Video Production                                
P1 apply video pre-production techniques to the creation of a video product

P2 undertake a technical role in the creation of a video product [TW]

P3 apply video post-production techniques to the creation of a video product [CT]

P4 review strengths and weaknesses of own video production work. [RL]

M1 demonstrate competent application of video preproduction techniques to the creation of a video product

M2 competently carry out a technical role in the creation of a video product

M3 demonstrate competent application of video postproduction techniques to the creation of a video product

M4 describe strengths and weaknesses of own video production work with some detail and with reference to appropriate illustrative
D1 demonstrate skilful application of video pre-production techniques to the creation of a video product

D2 skillfully carry out a technical role in the creation of a video

D3 demonstrate skilful application of video post-production techniques to the creation of a video product

D4 evaluate strengths and weaknesses of own video production work with reference to precise and detailed illustrative examples

Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTS)

When learners are …
Independent enquirers planning and carrying out research and identifying questions to answer when investigating audiences and analysing media products

Reflective learners using the learning experience to inform future progress

Team workers presenting a media product to the class as part of a group project and taking responsibility for own role within this activity.
Managing discussions to achieve results

Self-managers managing time and resources to produce written reports and meeting deadlines.

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