Friday 10th Feb 2012

Good morning fabulous Btec-ers!

As you know I'm in Paris but thats no reason not to have a creative productive day.

A/ Everyone has thier radio poems to finish. The last three posts on this blog explain the whole process and that you need to include: remember at least 1 track of wild noise (background sounds) and 5 sound effects.
The aim is to get you confident about recording and editing audio.

Go back and go through the list of jobs for each task, include them all, they are there for a reason!
Mrs Marsom will unlock the kit cuboard if you ask nicely, the recorders are at the top in a green box.

B/ Next:  to visit 
  • explain: what are podcasts? whats the difference between a podcast and a download?
  • find 3 completely different podcasts, there is everything from sports, dramas, chat shows and music shows
  • compare and contrast them; what do they include, how are they different? who is their audience? are they aimed at the same audience?
  • this is about starting to consider genre's: "A category characterised by similarities in form, style, or subject matter." how would you describe or explain their genre's?
C/ When your finished go back and check things that you might not have finished, things we're planning to do in the after school sessions.

I hope you have a good day, see you after half term

Miss C

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