Interactive DVD Task 3

Task 3: Post-Production and Review
  • Publish: save and export your DVD
  • Upload assets separately to your blog
  • Film a screen capture of navigating your DVD (on projector screen)
Review your working practise
  • http://www.ebi/ what worked well? Be even better if…
  • Compare your finished product with your original intentions (did you have to make any changes, explain why, did your ideas develop and change?)
  • Comment on your Time management
  • Get three reviews of your DVD and its interactivity

Interactive Task 2

Brief: DVD’s are interactive Media products that support and promote the featured content. Your brief is to plan, design, and create an interactive DVD for your Doritos advert. Your audience is the Doritos judging panel and potential voters; the purpose is to support your film in its bid to win the competition.

Task 2: Production: Create your DVD
·         Document your use of the DVD authoring software in Adobe Premiere (explain/ label screen shots in powerpoint)
·         Create or locate your main menu screen and any sub menu screens
·         Add your Navigation buttons in line with your layout diagram (or explain changes)
·         Add assets to the menus

Creating an Interactive DVD in Premier Elements 7